Saturday 10 May 2008

post script

ha, this post-script will actually be published above the previous message. odd.
anyways, we did indeed have a very successful picnic this afternoon at regent's park. it was complete with doritos, NICE cookies and frosting, garlic mayo, delightful renditions of red right ankle and macalester love song, bread fights, king's (aka king's cup), and, of course, polar cookies. i'm really going to miss these picnics of ours. they've been great fun...even though we've only had about 3 of them. oh well! still, great fun.

also, i believe i forgot to mention that i was hit by a doubledecker bus yesterday. it was funashell! (the reemergence of a great word). well, it wasn't really funashell, but it really wasn't bad. i just got sideswiped and ended up with a minor scraped elbow. still, i feel as though someone with a blog should not neglect to blog the fact that he was hit by a bus.
well, anyways, i hope all of your days are as sunny as ours, and that your finals finish as painlessly as possible!


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