Monday, 10 March 2008

'stick to coffee and alcohol'

well josh, i'm afraid i shan't be rising to the challenge of your injunction to write a better post. instead of providing a cogent narrative of the recent events in our lives, i'm going to provide anecdotal musings on two subjects which lie very close to my heart: coffee and bicycles.

coffee shops are not a big thing here. it makes me sad. they have starbucks, caffe nero (they spell it with two f's here because they like consonants more than us midwesterners with our extended vowels), and a few small coffee shops such as the wonderful caffee silvers near our campus in central london where they specialize in being friendly to punk kids like me, and making delicious candy bar milkshakes. i had a ferror roche (sp?) milkshake, and i've heard the kit-kat milkshakes are great too.

the starbucks here are exactly the same as our starbucks in every way except for 3 outlying differences.
1) everything is exactly twice as much because our currency is shit
2) the music. they play A LOT of bob marley. this is a good thing. they play some opera. this is a weird thing, but not exactly a bad thing.
3) the no smoking signs. yesterday when i was daydreaming instead of contemplating women's changing position within the 13th century family, i noticed that starbucks' no smoking sign says "To protect the quality of our coffee, we ask you not to smoke."

bicycling. less terrifying than i'd thought it'd be, but i miss st paul. i miss the midtown greenway crazy. they don't really do bikepaths here, and they also aren't so consistent with bike lanes on streets. sometimes a major street will have one and then it will just disappear, only to reappear inexplicably 4 or 5 blocks later.
also, roundabouts are awesome. at first i thought they were scary and strange, but now i think they're funashell! everytime i go around one and then go off on one of the streets i feel like the starship enterprise orbiting the sun and using its gravity to catapult itself off somewhere. or maybe it wasn't the enterprise, i dunno, something in startrek, ben, stephen, help me out here.

so thats about it, now i'm actually going to start writing my paper, and i'll have to leave it to josh to make more substantive and interesting posts than my anecdotal ramblings.

love to all!


Anonymous said...

i like your anecdotal ramblings. this week we are supposed to give one of our professors a sheet with our names, majors and what we are interested in (as it could relate to her teaching us about Austrian history). I wrote that I like languages, maps, dates, religion and anecdotes.
Also, what, pray tell, does 'funashell' mean?

Anonymous said...

fun as hell, duh, Hannah.

Unknown said...

no dumbo maddie it's funa shell. the funa is a small crustacean that they sell in stands all over london. the expression "funashell" is used to describe things you find strangely enjoyable because while funas taste delicious, they don't look it!

Anonymous said...

You're very wrong JP, I'm sorry. Funas do not taste delicious, therefore, that word cannot mean that.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you boys are updating the world on your life so frequently! It makes me happy!

Caitlyn and Kenneth said...

elliott, you should go to market coffee house! it's right across from spitalfields market (near brick lane). it's super cozy with wooden tables and really good cappucinos and cool people. it's great.